Saturday, August 6, 2011

Co-worker pulled a knife on me?

I had just started working at this pallet company for 3 weeks and since the first week one of the other guys there took advantage and I think bullied me. He would have me grab him things a couple feet away from him, stuff he should be getting himself since that was part of his job and I was busy doing my own thing but i grabbed what he needed anyways. Then after a week his request became ridiculous like having me grab him sodas and he would for no reason kick my piles of trash and sawdust I had just swept up and tell me to "clean this S**T UP" he would put his hands on my food and other belongings like my cell phone. one day he put his hands on me and tried to be funny or look tough by putting my hand behind my back and push up like police do, that's when thins started to go down hill and I stopped doing what he would tell me to do and started to ignore him and he told me I have to start doing what he told me to do( He was no higher that me and he had just been working there for 2 weeks longer than me.) he then start throwing old gloves, that the coworkers rolled up into balls and throw them at co workers as a joke, I thought that was un professorial since we are working at a pallet company around nail guns and saws so me and this other guy had bad blood from the fist week. then one day my supervisor came up out of nowhere and put his hands on me and pushed me back out of the way almost making me trip on a step and pushing a stack of wood out of the way to turn the machine off... I couldn't hear him call for me ( if he was) since I had my protective hearing muffs on and my head phones on under those ( I had gotten permission from the same supervisor I could listen to music) that had made me angry that he pushed me out of his way and i started to hold that anger in me the next day I was working in my area when when the guy had came up put his hands on my ear muffs and pulled me out of the way from another machine I was aware of my surroundings and knew what was going on so I think it was just another reason to touch me, I then turned around and pushed the guy and told him to never put his hands on me ever again and stated to yell at him. later that same day we had a safety meeting and I left my water bottle behind and when i went to pick it up he got up and kicked it over, I went out to the parking lot to see this guy sitting down giving me dirty looks, I then Screamed " WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU LOOKING AT" he got up started to walk at me and said "what the F**k you just say to me" I thought there was about to be a fight so I dropped what I was holding and that's when he pulled knife on me I remained calm and planed my that I would start backing up keeping my distance then lunge at the knife but never did. eventually he put the knife away and I found out later that I had been fired for pushing him and he never got fired for pulling a knife on me since the bosses like this guy. I feel this guy saw me as weak and took advantage of me to make him self feel powerful and good about himself. What do I do about this whole thing?

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