Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Idk if im actually prego?

K so i been on the birth control implanon for almost 2years and i know it if i take a prego test uts gna come out neg. But i went to the clinic and they did a urine test to and it came out neg and i was gna do a blood test but i was to dehydrated i guess but any way this was like 5 or 6 months ago but now I'm feeling prego synthoms like nipples itching ,no period, cravings,smelling dif foods,and cramps on my stomach,n on my pelves arean especially when cleaning, headaches,feet swollin,and there's times when my stomach look like I'm maybe 3 months prego and there is movement but idk what to do I'm so lost and i need advise because idk if it causes effects with the baby and my friends Mom had a misccarage on implanon so i really need advise and ill be 18 already but its not that easy to just go to the help please. ...

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