Friday, August 12, 2011

What size are you in clothes & what would be your ideal size?

I'm 5 ft 7 and a UK size 10-12 but my ideal size would be 6-8. which is why I'm on a detox atm then after that I'm going on the special K challenge for 2 weeks. I hope I can get down to at least an 8.

Women in studio audiences from different cultures?

When you are in a studio audience there is a neon sign that tells you what to do on cue and when to applause. Plus many television shows, even live ones, add tracks.

End of the world 2012?

First of all get your facts right people before saying it's all a load of sh1t! This is what EDUCATED people have put forward from the Mayan culture - - Within the Mayan culture they have a callender that has a number of cycles, each cycle represents the start of a group of creatures and the end. In the past at the end of each cycle volcanoes have erupted and there has been earthquakes, but this end of cycle marked the end of all the creatures of one kind of which the cycle belonged too. At the moment we are in the human cycle and our cycle ends at 11:11 21/12/2012 this cycle is rumered to end along with the human race, this CANNOT be interpreted as the end of the world as it is the end of our cycle and us NOT the world! The Maya callender is ROUND implying that the culture does NOT say the "world" will end but only one cycle and the world will continue as normal! Listen and get your facts before saying stuff about it. Any questions? ps. I want your email address if you want a debate

Am I losing weight because of this?

For the past two weeks, my meals have been very small. For breakfast, I'll have a bowl of special k strawberry cereal or rice krispies and v8. For lunch a food from morning star (I'm a vegetarian by the way) and it'd be very small and a glass of v8. For dinner, also another small food from morning star and a glass of v8 haha. I'd just eat 3 small meals a day without being hungry at all. Plus, i'd spend 2-4 hours swimming everyday. And I'd some times walk from the pool to my friend's house and his house which is about 1/4 of a mile away and we'd have to walk up a big hill to get there. Some times, we'll walk around our small town and walk a mile and a half for 2 hours. Lately, I noticed my stomach getting smaller and I lost an inch off my waist. Any chance I could lose more?

Need To Get Rid of my Lunch at school? Urgent School tomorrow!!!!?

talk to someone you trust. before your mum.they might help you and you might not even have to tell your mum.

Who do I really like now?I'm confuse?

My sister had just gotten married and I got to know my brother-in-law's close friends,Alex,Vincent,John and Joshua.I was in love with Alex but he only likes me as a sister so we stayed as friends.It was one month ago when he rejected me.Up till now I still feel nervous whenever I see him,and whenever I look at his photo.I realized I still love him.Until when I met Vincent's cousin,Andrew for the second time,during my sister's birthday party.When I passed him a party popper,and I noticed that he doesn't know how to use it,I taught him how to use it.After that,he went back home early,and said 'bye' to everyone.Before he left,he looked at me and said goodbye.I replied him back and smiled.He seems to be friendly with me after I taught him how to use the party popper.Since then,I felt that I want to know him better.I became his friend and I introduced myself when I messaged don't know why,but I often think about him instead of thinking of Alex.I know I am still in love with Alex(the feelings isn't that great anymore),and yesterday I still felt nervous when I look at Alex's picture..but since Andrew agreed to become my friend,I didn't think of Alex at all..instead I often think of Andrew.I don't understand.Who do I like now?Do I still like Alex or am I falling in love again,with Andrew?I'm confused..

I need help picking a movie for a date?

I want to take my girlfriend out for a date we are both 15 and i figured it would be nice if we went 2 see a movie but i need help picking which movie to take her to so i need some help should i take her to see Super 8 or Mr.Poppers Penguins? I could really use the help plz and thanks

Do anybody know any good penpal websites for 13 and up?

im just looking for anyone of a different race just to learn about different cultures so i wont have to take a cultural class at my school next year for the girls and yes i am black so if anyone know any good websites that gives you a penpal within the u.s. please answer and only serious answers please

Would you move to Japan if everything allows???(seriously)?

Well not now due to the nuclear reactor problems. There is radiation leaking out that will last for over 100 yrs.

I am not attracted to men of my own race?

Well this just shows your a very strong woman. Many men think that they can just take advantage of women, because most women actually are flattered by men being complete as*holes and perverts. Ive been treated this way when I went to another country, and I was absolutely livid. If I were you, Id stand up for myself and flip them off or do something about it. I share your same views, and I hate men taking advantage of women. Stay strong and look for men who are mature and wont expect you to be their mothers either.

Does anyone know some Angolan names?

Also any extra information about Angolan culture and the civil war would be great. Links are helpful. Thank you!

Degrassi e1035: Why is Drew on the basketball team?

Werent Drew and K.C on the football team? Or is the football season over? There was a gap between when i watched the previous episodes. This is the first time i'm hearing of the basketball team.

What age does a baby start learning shapes, numbers, abcs and colors?

I kind of feel like my daugher is advanced, well, I'm sure we all think that about our precious little angels but she is 2 yrs and 4 months old. She was 6 weeks premature but all caught up now. She can sing her abc's, for the most part, she skips a few and with her numbers she's pretty good on 1-5, and she gets to 10 but skips a number or 2 but she can count to 5 on one hand and understands that many. She knows her shapes, well circle, triangle, square, rectangle, and for good measure I always draw a pawprint she always says "look mommy a clue" she knows some of her colors mostly blue pink purple red and green. She knows how to spell her name, probably out of repitition K-A-T-I-E, would you think she is advanced? My son didn't do all that she does at her age. He didn't care to, too busy climbing things, and she likes to sit and talk and will listen to a book all the way through.

How long do flower sleeves take?

Right now I want to get a purple flower on my upper arm. Maybe, like someone suggested, get a whole sleeve done. I'm just curious how long it takes and how painful it is? I want the purple flower to be the eye popper and for the rest to be black/gray. What do you think of the idea?

How To Get Out Her Friend ZOne? (10 points)?

i usually make my move after hanging with a girl i meet 5 or 6 times as friends. 9 months a long time. usually i do it after i visit them at their house a few times. i dont plan this i just get the urge to lol

Hiding My Food at lunch at school??? Urgent school tomorrow!?

Wooooah stop right there!! You can't just mot eat at all not to scare you but... YOU'RE GONNA DIE okay? Ask her to talk to your doctor about a diet because since she's your mother she should follow it once the doctor agrees until than at least eat part of it and being 15 I would think you could pack your own lunch!

Which computer to buy?

Im planning to buy a new computer. I'm confused whether to get a mac or alien ware or a normal pc. The budget is abt 75 k or less...

How to GET EVEN with my EVIL mother in law?

Don't bother with her. Don't get into this messy business and sink to her level. Just choose to ignore her, maybe she'll eventually realize that she's being stupid. If not, her loss.

Dog person needed for help on questions?

Instead of getting a pup, why not get a dog from a rescue centre. There are so many dogs that need a home.

Do black women find white men attractive? (serious answers)?

Just a warning, a lot of white-washed americans are going to jump on this question and urge you not to date black women. but i say go for it :) there are a lot of black women in my family married/dating white men.

Why do so many white people want to be black?

Ok ur dating someone who is black but that Doesn't mean u have to change who u r :: such as always wanting to do hinges that apply to the black culture :: u look like ur trying to hard be your self :: this is the reason y black people get mad

Help finding the name of a song.?

most likely the song called "one hand in my pocket" by Alanis Morissette. If not, that is still a good song so I hope you like it :)

How safe are poppers/Amyl?

I've never used Poppers or Amyl, how safe are they? Which brands are the best and which ones should you avoid? People seem to like Jungle Juice and Iron Horse brands. What exactly do they do besides making it easier to do receptive anal sex? Are they dangerous? Can you die or pass out from them? Is it like huffing a solvent? I'm in the USA and I know that the poppers here don't have Amyl in them like they apparently did in the 70s and 80s. BTW I put this in the GLBT section since I don't know ANY straight people who have ever used poppers at all and I've met lots of gay and bisexual men who have.

What the fu*k is wrong with my ex?

Ok so she breaks up with me so she can date around. I understand she wants to explore but then she calls me and lies about breaking her hand cuz she misses me so much. she tells me she loves me but can't be with me. I mean wtf man this women is confusing the hell out of me. I hear from her once a week. She only texts me when something bad happens. last time i heard from her was like a week ago. What should i do why is she acting like this when i was the ohly person who did everything and help with everything she needed?

Is it normal to look up to my teacher?

I respect the student/teacher boundary and I know there is a line. But, I view my Religion teacher as an inspiration just because of her view on life and culture and I always look forward to the class spiritual and cultural discussions.

Brits: How do you feel About American cultural and political influence?

American pop culture, and power has almost penetrated every market in the world. How do you feel about it? Do you feel like you are losing your nation? With British kids watching American programming, listing to American music, eating/Drinking America foods. With Prom coming to England, and I've even heard that Children are starting to talk in American accent. Do you feel it's a bad thing? Is that a reason why there is anti-Americanism in Europe? Almost every world know British company has been bought by Indian or American corp., do you feel like the media and gov. are giving too much importance and being controlled by America? Thanks.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sammi Sweetheart Or Jenni Jwoww?

I say sammi cause everyone says im just like her accept a boy, im told i look like her but a boy version, make same facial expression and have the same attitude/ personality. So Who you like better? Why? And saying neither or both isn't acceptable so don't answer the damn question if you won't answer what I'm asking , k? Thanks.

Should i give this guy a second chance or is he just using me for sex?

sorry just wanted to add a few more details so you can make a better judgement :). i met this guy through a friend and we have met a few times on nights out. we have kissed a few times at the end of a few nights out too. we were both a bit drunk and ended up spending the night together once. he sends me messages asking me am i going out but whenever im out he ignores me sometimes. he sent me a text message one day asking me when is he going to get 'another kiss' and asking me if i wanted to 'meet up for fun or go for a drive' with him and told me we can sleep together again some other time if im interested. i met him recently and he never spoke to me. he stood talking to my guy friend and completely blanked me and then i just walked away because i didnt want to make little of myself by standing there and waiting for him to chat to me. he's a police man i know its not important but you would think a guy in a job and position like that would know how to treat a girl better. but all i seem to meet lately are guys that just want to sleep with me. they don't seem to want a relationship which is what i want right now. and a few months ago he removed me from his friends list on facebook. i sent him a text message when i noticed it asking him is there a problem and he never respond back. i felt very used. i was out last friday and bumped into him again. i just looked at him and walked by i never bothered to stop and talk. i sent him an angry text message when i left the nightclub and this time he responded back. he said he 'regretted falling out' with me and told me it was over his friend (who is also my friend and he likes me a lot). why would he fall out with me over his friend? it makes no sense he just said 'it was too weird' for him. he text me telling me he thinks im 'hot, plus tight'. he wants to meet up with me again and basically have sex. he text and said 'we should f**k again'. should i meet up with him? i kind of fancy him and i cant stay mad at him even though ive tried to. i kind of want to see him again but he is stationed and lives outside of my town for most of the week. he wants me to travel up to him. so its hasn't happened yet. i just seem to let guys use me all the time and it cant be good for my confidence or self esteem. i just think at times afterwards they might change there minds and want a relationship :/

Richmond's culture of losing? When and how did it start?

Been barracking for them only since 2002 and this culture of failure has apparently stretched back until before I was born.

Who was the bigger All-star snub, Michael Pineda or C.C. Sabathia?

Their stats are pretty even but, Pineda's stats would be better if he played on a team that could score. I'm going to be biased on this and say Pineda is the bigger snub because I'm a big Mariners fan and Pineda's stats would be better if he was on a high market winning team like the Yankees or Red Sox.

DIET QUESTION: Am I doing this right?

Starting today I'm gonna diet. So far I've ate little. When I mean by little. . . I mean Special K cereal and that's it. It's about to be noon and should I skip lunch? I decided maybe I could lose weight if I eat less and hit the gym tonight. Am I doing this right? If not, could you give me possible suggestions on what I should do?

Culture-Literature relation?

What is the role of literature on cultural development? :D The one who got the best answer would get a staggering 10 points :D

Why is my bf acting like this?

(repost) K.. At first i thought it was kinda sweet that my bf insisted on going to the bar for me, walking me to and from the toilets ect.. but when we were at a small house party the other night he was flirting with other girls and using me to make them jealous =( (putting his arms around me a smilling at them) why does he follow me around as if i am going to cheat if he is the one who keeps flirting with other girls? i wouldnt mind a little flirting but not when he was doing it so much.. should i walk away? thank you^^

Whats the different values between black women and white women.?

Growing up i lived many places with many different cultures. ive had black, mexican, jamaican and korean friends. as i got older and up until today i realize that black girls are raised much differently than white girls. If any of you out there are a black female please reply with the morals and values you were raised with and what you feel sets white and black females apart. Be honest and open. i Appreciate real opinions. I always wanted to understand this at a personal outlook. thanks !

Would my hypothetical agreements between aliens and humans useable if there was a first alien contact?

What happens when the aliens want to, as you say, "...spread alien religions and languages to earthlings without seriously interfering [with] the earthlings' culture."

Gift giving or not or do on to other as they do?

My younger brother had a graduation party and my Aunt and Uncle gave him a card so did her adult daughter and fiancee that's it just a card and they were all 2 hours late. I was there when he opened his cards so when everyone else gave him money they did not. My question is My cousin is getting married in two months and I think my mother should just give the cousin a card also and that's it. Everyone has the same financial ability. My mother spent alot of money on my brothers party and it was very nice. My mom is always trying to make everyone happy but I'm pretty sure she should just give a card since both my Aunt and Uncle and the cousin both felt o.k. with giving my brother just a card?

How long are popcorn kernals good past the experiation date.?

I recently found some a container of popcorn kernals(for use in a popcorn popper) that expired feburary 2010 and was wondering what the chanes of the kernals still being poppable and edible. Or should I chuck the container? It's been opened.

WHy American women aren't as sexy as people from other cultures...Do you agree or disagree?

Alot of people, especially young men believe that foreign women for other countries are better than American women because they are sexier and have more curves and take care of their husbands better and cook and clean more. American women were brought up to achieve more in their education and careers. THey were raised to look for men (whether they exist or not lol) who appreciate a woman as an equal partner in a relationship. American women are taught that a relationship should be based on common interests and a connection, which is why we dont care as much about physical appearance. Women from other countries care more about if they are sexy and if they attract guys more than girls from other countries. Anyone agree or disagree with my explanation??

Which is better: high end makeup or inexpensive makeup?

I recently ordered 2 eyeshadow palettes from bh cosmetics as well as other stuff. I also ordered a couple of items from cherry culture and The makeup that I got from bh cosmetics works really well and I like it alot. But should I get like urban decay, stila, mac, or something like bobbi brown? Can someone who has tried both inexpensive and high end makeup let me know the biggest difference?

R&P Guitarists... Your fellow rock and popper needs some advice?

all guitarists should know that more effects and more expensive equipment = better at guitar. a beginner playing a paul reed smith with a tremolo-delay-flange-chorus-reverb wah-distortion-overdrive-whammy pedal setup is better than eddie van halen on a squier strat

R&P... I'm forever in debt to your priceless advice..?

I like your first idea. The song is "Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana, from the Album "In Utero."

F Buddy?...Need some advice O_O?

So in general this girl i know and im pretty good friends with just got out of a relationship but we are both really pervy and we have pervy conversations on facebook but i don't really want to date her or anything. Im just not looking for a relationship right now but i enjoy talking to her and everything. Im starting to get the feeling she might want to date and if i say no she might get upset. How should i handle the situation. I mean she never said anything about having sex but she says things that elude too it but we both enjoy the conversations I just don't want things to go really far but sometimes i think they might and if they did i would consider not really a relationship but a F**k buddy. Would this be wrong or is it ok as long as were both fine with just kind of lost right now lol

What do you think of these boys names? any other ideas?

My fav name from your list is Ronan. You dont hear it often and its cute as a child and manly as a man.

Do I have a good chance at getting into NYU or Columbia?

You need AP if you want to get into NYU or Columbia. I'm going into my junior year and I'm taking AP statistics and AP Literature, as well as classes at the community college so I can earn my A.A degree by the time I graduate. I have a 4.0 and i want to major in Microbiology. And I'm still hoping I get accepted into good state schools (UF because I live in Florida and I'm shooting for Bright Futures Scholarship). If I were you, I would take much harder classes (AP) and dual enroll if your state does that if you want to even consider Columbia or NYU for Biochem.

What are the key differences between Western RPG's & Eastern?

I'm doing an in depth analysis on Video Game Culture for my 'Extended Project Qualification' which will net me an extra AS Level in my last half term of Year 12. I'm answering a series of questions to provide enough content to pad out a 5,000 word essay and I'm hoping that I can find some of the answers I need on here. So, what do you think that the key differences are between Western & Eastern RPG's?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where can i buy a snapback cap in UK?

I have been looking everywhere for snapbacks - I have found some at New Era, but they are just fitted caps with the poppers on the back, and not proper snapbacks! I want something like Mitchell and Ness, can anyone help?

Does he like me ? Please help me i need to know?

Ok so i like this guy lets call him "Ryan" (not real name) k so anyways i like Ryan and i think he might like me too because i'm friends with one of his best friends "Omar" and "Omar" told me he likes me and we've kissed before twice actually playing spin the bottle and the first time we kissed it was supposed to be like a peck but he didn't pull away and the second time we kissed it was supposed to be a peck too but it lasted for like 5 seconds and even then he didn't really pull away i kinda did and he didn't wipe his lips either...and so this is how he acts at school he smiles at me and we laugh together a lot and he tells me things that he would never tell any other girl and ive seen his pupils dialate a couple times so please tell me what you think


ok so guys today i woke up and suddely walked to my bathroom and saw my toothbrush. i picked it up and put toothpaste on it. the suddenly i started to brush my teeth. ALL oth the sudden-i was done and i walked in to my kitchen just to see my exboyfriend's little sister's picture on mi fridge. i picked the picture up and taped it on my moms car. 2 hours later i discovered a rock in my bed. this has never happened before. i am so worried this is a sign that my cancer is controlling my life. i keep having dreams about a little boy in a blue car yelling "haha i poped the popper" every day i wake up and write on mi mirror with lipstick "what is the popper?" google has not helped explaining this. i feel like mi life is closing down and im being sucluded in my room. what dose this mean?

China has a long history of attempting fundamental reforms only to wind up with yet another centralized govern?

China has a long history of attempting fundamental reforms only to wind up with yet another centralized government dominating the masses. What does this tell us about the socciety, values, and culture of the country?


Hi...i think i have social anxiety (googled symptoms) anyway im freaking out because my husband wants me to go to his parents house in the summer for i know when i go there hes going to wander off and leave me with the rest of his family whom ive only met a few times and some of the ppl i havent even met petrified and all i keep doing is perseverating over this and its not even for a few months. im trying to think of an excuse not to go...ughh but we just had a baby and i know i have to go so they can see her and meet my symptoms are that i get very worried about these situations as well as sweating, on edge worried and stress...i freak out at my husband and get very irritated in private this sound like social anxiety so basically i think its time i do something about this because it annoys me at the same time i cant hide from everyone in this world i want to go on something like xanax or adivan but 1. im worried that if i go to a psychiatrist there just gonna think im there for pills and 2. how do i even ask without looking like a damm pill popper. now my brother recently took his like about 2 months ago and my other brother recently tried to take his life as is ruined forever and all everyone does is cry does anxiety med help with depression? please help me any advice is important

Where to get a popcorn trolley and popper?

My brother and I want to get our parents a popcorn popper for Christmas. We don't have a lot of money (budget NO more than 125) but they are expensive! The only one I could fine was one from Walmart for 99 dollars, but apparently it is really small. Help!

Do you think sexual abuse is more common in sexually repressive cultures?

It seems like that to me. Humans have natural impulses, or compulsions. One of those is sexuality. If you restrain those natural impulses, you ultimately end up acting out your frustrations in a harmful manner. Perhaps that involves rape or molestation. One has to think a lot of these rapists and child molesters are a product of our culture's general apprehensiveness on the subject of human sexuality.

How much weight can I lose on this?

I'm starting the Special K Diet on Monday (tomorrow). I'll be eating a bowl of Red Berries with Lactaid for breakfast and lunch until July 17th. For dinner I'll have a small portion of whatever my mom or dad makes. If I'm hungry in between meals I'll probably have a small bowl of salad with 2 tablespoons of fat free dressing. I've already lost 10 pounds by eating 1200 calories and exercising daily, but I want to jump start my weight loss because I've come to a plateau. How much weight can I lose? I'm 14, 4'9, and weight 115 pounds.

R&P's Top Ten Albums of the 90's...? (without all the Rolling Stone junk!!!)?

Immortal battles in the north, Suffocation- effigy of the forgotten, Cannibal corpse-vile, monstrosity- millennium, Nile-amongst the catacombs, darkthrone- Transylvanian hunger, Mayhem- dim misteriis Dom Sathanas, Sepultura- chaos A.D., solstice- self titled, Slayer-divine intervention.

What is the name of the computer game that's like pocket tanks but you're in space on a planet?

against multiple enemies? You can select bomb types from popcorn or popper bomb to small medium big, terra, walker, all the way to building custom bombs if you buy the custom maker.

GUYS: Why is my bf acting like this?

(repost) K.. At first i thought it was kinda sweet that my bf insisted on going to the bar for me, walking me to and from the toilets ect.. but when we were at a small house party the other night he was flirting with other girls and using me to make them jealous =( (putting his arms around me a smilling at them) why does he follow me around as if i am going to cheat if he is the one who keeps flirting with other girls? i wouldnt mind a little flirting but not when he was doing it so much.. should i walk away? thank you^^

If you adopt an animal at the zoo or aquarium, can you visit it one on one, privately?

No. When you "adopt" an animal at a zoo, you get the satisfaction of supporting their care, and sometimes a photo and some literature about the animal. You do not get to have any contact with that animal beyond what a normal member of the public would get.

I need some advice badly, parents living in religious dreamland?

She's 18, she can legally move out and escape! They have no control over her now that she's a legal adult.

I'm a girl and i have a crush on my friend(who's also a girl).and i am scared.please help.?

i am sixteen years old and i go to an all-girls school.In my school,there's this "culture" of juniors will be having a crush on their seniors or the seniors will be having the juniors as their so called "godsister".I thought that is ridiculous.But last March,i have this little crush on my classmate who's a band member.She cut her hair short and she does looks really cool and guyish.Almost every junior in my school band admire her and giving her this admire letters.And this little crush is getting bigger and bigger when she began to comfort me when i'm down and share her worries with me and also when we joke around and stuff.Furthermore,i have this jealous feeling when i saw her hugging another girl and when she begin to be really close with some other girls and juniors(she had a godsister too).I couldn't stop thinking about her,i will feel really uncomfortable when she's not in school. Some of my friends knew about it.I'm scared that one day she will know my secret and worst of all,i'm scared that i might be a bi.What should i do?I tried to get over it,but she's in the same class with me and i will see her almost everyday.What if she knows i like her?Should i deny it?I really need some advice.

Why are there so many crazy people?

Because we're obsessed with moronic celebrities, negative 6 o'clock news, money, sex, liberalism, pimps, thugs, and humiliating virtuous people.

I don't have any hobbies or interests and I don't fit in anywhere?

i am feeling the same way. it is like i dont really care about all that stuff. try writing in a diary or writing poems to express yourself. it really helps. just stay true to your self and dont try to be like everyone else. it will pay off in the long run. if you ever need somebody to talk to i am here for you. god bless

Does this mean I'm gay? Please help?

Hey, I'm a boy and I was wondering if this means in gay. I alwys fantasize and dream of doing sexual and physical things with cute boys and fantasize about grabbin their bum and humping a cute boy with jeans on. I alwys wana cuddle with an attractive boy and f***k a boy and tap his bum in a hot lightly way. I have had feelings for boy and alwys wana mess around but because I bottle this up and feel this way I have an attitude towards most guys thinkin their against me. Advice? Help? Thnks. Oh btw I'm 16.

How do I get a boyfriend?

I'm thirteen and all of my friends from my dance classes have had boyfriends and kissed boys. I wish I did and I'm pretty, athletic, unique, fun, nice, but one flaw is that Im short, only 4 ft 11 and a half! but all the boys at my school are unattractive. Not one boy in my grade is cute to me. I go to a K-8 school so I've been with the same kids since pre-kindergarten so im either really close friends with them or like I said, not cute! So, I'd have to wait one more year until high school to meet other guys which I don;t want to do. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How accurate is my German?

The good news: I was able to understand perfectly what you were saying without having to read the English text at all. However there are a LOT of mistakes, both large and small, which Insel has addressed already, and I'd like to add that you should consider carefully whether "haben" is always the best verb for what you're saying. And while there are word order issues throughout, the last sentence in particular needs a complete re-work.

What would you do if you saw a man hit a woman?

My husband & I were out one night and he saw a girl getting her a$s beat by a guy. Well he tried to jump in and got his a$s beat with a baseball bat. Someone else I know tried to jump in and break up a fight and the 2 guys shot him and he died. Getting into someones business can be dangerous. If anything anonymously call the police and leave a tip. Taking matters into your own hands can be dangerous.

Re-ask- how do i lose belly fat?

im 13 and 5 feet ( i know pretty short ) , and i wanna have a flat belly, like im obviously not going to starve myself, but i just jogged 3 k, and did some exercises, like sit ups and stuff like that, plus im in soccer, and next week im going to start to swim lots, what else can i do ?

Do you think that the reason that Jim Carrey is doing the Mr. Poppers' Penguins movie is because?

he wants his grandson Jackson to see some of his stuff. I mean, most of Jim Carrey's movies are not really kid-friendly. Do you agree with this idea?

I'm an atheist. Which God should I worship?

I'm thinking Thor or Zues, but then again Amun seems pretty powerful. I don't want to make a choice based on culture and place of origin... so it's a dilemma. These days all the hipster kids seem to be into the FSM, but I don't know, I don't want to be a sheep, following trends and conforming to popular fads. What other atheistic Gods/Goddesses can I worship?

Which is a better children's movie?

Homeward bound. I say this, because most children under the age of 12 (Boy or girls) love animals. And the fact that they talk, and are own their own is an inspiration. If you have seen it, you will know **spoiler** one of the dogs appears to die. But comes back (So a happy ending). I say that won`t effect kids 10, 6, and 3 because a 3 year old won`t exactly understand the concept of death, a 6 year old will be paying more attention to current events in the movie, and a 10 year old will get death, and should be mature enough to not get upset at this part (As I said, the dog doesn't actually die). When I was at the hospital when I had noro, they had about 10 movies I could watch, and I watched this movie 4 times in a row. I was 6 at the time, and L-O-V-E-D that movie. I`m now 13 and love watching it with my little sister and brother (Aged 2, and 4). Its a great movie, and I highly recommend it for any ages.

Why does my 10 month old always have a bacterial infection ?

For the last two months my now 10 month old son has been having issues with his right side of his face. It first looked like a rash. Then it didn't go away. So we went to the dermatologist she said he had eczema and took a culture of his face. 5 days later it came back as a bacterial infection. She called in an antibiotic to help to go away. It went away. Then three weeks later he gets it again. Bacterial infection was cultured again and it came positive again. He was on another antibiotic. Thought it was gone. Now it came back 6 different times. 6 different antibiotics and it goes away and comes back. Cultures say there is none after the infections gone. Why does it keep coming back?

I think I may be bisexual - PLEASE READ ALL DETAILS?

Your sexuality is something that you discover and grow into. It can be a fluid thing, one day you might be more attracted to men, and the other women. You are who you are, why do you need a label to say whether you are straight, bisexual or gay/lesbian? Who you are attracted to is your business, you don't need to tell everyone unless you want to. If someone asks you about it, say "Why do you care, it won't affect you in anyway, and I am still the same person. I doesn't concern you at all" You shouldn't worry about it. When you meet someone who you have feeling for and really click with, you will know.

I think I may be bisexual - PLEASE READ ALL DETAILS?

What do you do? You think "f** it" and go about your life. Its all we can do! One day you might meet a nice pretty feminine girl to settle down with. I think you might be gay, actually. Not because you've never been in a relationship, but because you say you aren't attracted to men romantically. I think you might want to do some inner exploration and find out what you're looking for. As far as being judged there isn't much you can do about that. Everybody has to put up with stuff like that. I got judged for BEING in a relationship (PDA). Its just important to pick out those who mean well and those who are just out to be mean.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In order for us to advance in this male dominated society, would it be wise for future women leaders?

I think it would do more to segregate women, subordinate them to their male counterparts and call attention to their differences. While it might be empowering for women to be around like minded women, this scenario would not be empowering in the long run because men would feel threatened by these hard core feminists. They do now. Feminism can be great, but some women are too extreme in their Feminism and give the movement a bad name. These hard core feminists create divisive living and working environments, which alienate them from the rest of the community.

Omg i freakin' hate facebook, why is he doing this? :(?

basically me ad my ex decided to get back together when im 18 which is this month :) ive seen him a couple of times since i finished my exams and they've all been really good. on thursday he posted on my facebook wall ''your so amazing <3 xxx'' and last night when i texted him he said ''he'd never felt this way about a girl before <3 '' it made me really happy becausee i love him with all my heart. But there's this girl on facebook whos forever posting love heart ''<3 '' on his wall, and more worryingly he starts it sometimes, like for example just now he posted ''<3 <3 <3 '' on her wall?! and she posted back saying ''<3 <3 <3 hubby xx'' i wanted to punch her in the face :( (sorry my emotions are running a bit high ) just two days ago he posted '' wifey <3 <3 <3 '' on her wall. i cant take it i wish she'd just f**k off! :( i dont want to have to care who she is, but because he seems to really like her how can i not?! iv'e been ignoreing this for a while thinking ahh they're just mates but this just now, pushed me over the edge and i dont know if its more serious?! i cant ask him only because i dont want him to think there's no trust :/ i dont stalk him on facebook i promise it's just t reaaaaaaaally urts when he says stuff liek that to me last night, and then the very next day he posts that on her wall?! he never posts that kind've stuff on my wall :/ like the most ive ever gotten where words arent involved is ''<3 :D '' whats going on? should i be worried? thank you for any responses :)!

Neighbor Problems please help.?

I live in Indiana and there is a neighbor who goes around looking for drugs all day and night and being really loud at all hours. I live in a double and the guy next to me is an 80 year old man she is taking advantage from, taking his money and pills. She comes to the front door and pounds on it and if he dont answer she begs to open the door. I had given her warning to stay away but she still comes back. We got into it early this morning cause her lound mouth woke me up and found out she was in the back yard going through things. So I called the police and they came out they told her to go into her house. Shortly after the police left she got in her truck and hit some cars down the street. Cops came out again and still didnt take her to jail even though her license had been suspended. What can I do about this pill popper when the police wont do nothing. The neighborhood is fed up with her.

A neighbor keeps asking me if im O.K. with a smile on his face....?

A neigbor keeps asking me if im O.K. with this dirty smile on his face and it irritates me. That kind of question seems meddleing if clearly nothing is wrong with me and besides if someone is concerned why would they be smiling? I lost my temper with him-not physically-and started to say "let me tell you something...but he handed me the 5 bucks he owed i was thrown off and blew off the incident. Is asking someone if they are ok with a dirty smile on their face taking liberties?

Does anyone know any good Burger Recipes?

Try this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

RHH: Guess the songs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why ISLAM rose in those region that we view as Muslim majority regions(PAK,AFGHAN,KASHMIR,BAN…

Every religion is to be blamed for it's demise. Be it Islam or Hinduism. Don't you think that a hand full of terrorists are as much to blame for the black name that Islam gets, by killing innocent people the world over. Hindu people harm their own people true, but I have yet to hear of Hindu terrorists destroying important buildings of blowing up planes or planting bombs that kill innocent children and women! So before you generalize, you need to get your facts straight. No single religion is perfect not single civilization is free from taint of evil, including ISLAM! It is sad that a few rotten apples in a barrel, spoil the whole barrel. Islam with it's strict and rigid beliefs, which, dominate and suppress women, and Hindus' with their blind beliefs and traditions which lead to disasters within communities. Oh and maybe you should do some research on Buddhism before speaking out against it, cause for your information, Buddhism is a branch of Hindu religion, just as shia and sunni branches of Islam. So be very sure of your facts before opening your mouth. LIKE I SAID, NO RELIGION IS PERFECT, GOD BELONGS TO EVERYONE OF US, AND WE GIVE GOD NAMES AND TITLES, GOD DID NOT SAY, HE IS ALLAH OR, JESUS, OR ANYTHING ELSE. So lets just love god and each other, because we are all created by him, and the world will be a happier and healthier place, instead of forever arguing, we are better our god is better etc. Do you truly believe there is "their god, and then there is our god" and both are different???? ONE GOD, BUT PLENTY OF NAMES, so call him/her whatever you want and let other choose for themselves.

What do you Think of this Band Names?

The only ones that sound good are "The Medicine" and "The Twisted Trio". And "The Beaners"? Really?

How should I go about paying my student loans when I'm also saving for other things?

They're due next month and I've got about $15 k in loans. I want to get rid of it as soon as possible, but I also want to start saving for a new car, my own place, etc. How should I go about savings vs paying off my loans quickly.

Can someone give me an aspect of scientific methodology?

Please also explain it all as descriptive as you can, quickest and best answer will receive the points. This is for Philosophy, and i would appreciate a good answer that is easy to understand instead of a copy & paste paragraph please. This is about Falsification, logical positivism and induction. Also regarding Karl Popper And Thomas Kuhn

Where can I buy snapback hats in London?

I have been looking everywhere for snapbacks - I have found some at New Era, but they are just fitted caps with the poppers on the back, and not proper snapbacks! I want something like Mitchell and Ness, can anyone help?

Why can't a black person ever be nice to whites without being accused of "self-hate"?

You said it your self bother it's a double standard this is a good question, though I've never heard of the st patricks day thing

Culturally Speaking: Why are people condemning incest?

Many people are cloning you? How unfortunate. You know, a funny thing happens when family breeds, idiots begat idiots.

Where do i buy poppers off the counter in Coventry, UK?

I am tryin to find poppers in UK - problem is I dont want to use a credit card since I'm going to be staying with friends and the only way I can get is over the counter - any place?

Is this short story any good?

I like it although I'm not really big on romance. I kinda think that the girl seems a little obsessive over this guy. Not bad though (:

Are the clothes from 5 7 9 good quality clothes?

Not really good quality, one of those things you wear a couple of times and throw away. I like shopoibg at Papaya or Charlotte Russe, similar style to forever 21

Should I leave my pregnant GF?

You're a putz. Why would you put yourself through this. She doesn't respect you champ. Move on, I noticed she's beautiful, if that's enough to keep you around maybe you deserve what you're getting. Sounds like a little maturity is in order all the way around.

Which is the safest anxiety medicine?

I am having a hard time in the morning and at night with anxiety. I am a determined person. I don't set around having pity parties. I just hate having this nervous doom and gloom feeling. I work full time and am busy the other days. I just cannot shake this. I am not a pill popper either. Is there a medication to help me through this. Is Welbutrin or xanax safe?

Some bass fishing tips for tommorow?

In the calm spots where you think the bass are, i always use fake worms like robo or yamaguchi and i use a texas rig, i just cast it in there and slowly bring it past the area. if that doesn't work try some crankbaits. sunfish will go for small crank baits, spinner baits like panther martins and big ones will even go for the worms. if none of that works just use night crawlers or worms. good luck!!

Need this translated into French?

Corsica est un ile sur la mediterranean. Il est situ� a la ouest d'Italie et il est plus proche d'Italie que la France.

Why don�t the Palestinian Arabs go to Jordan?

Jordan being created for Palestinians is simply a rumor and was not created for this specific purpose. While Jordan is the only country that did accept the refugee's and gave them citizenship, they were not exactly treated the best. Thus far, Those refugees are in the West Bank today. Also, They do not have citizenship anymore due to the Jordanian government. They will not leave Israel because they feel it is there home and they were there first. Just like someone telling you to leave one state to another. Jordan does not want to deal with the Palestinian refugees.

What are the features of Polish family life in the UK?

This is a question aimed mostly at Polish families living in Britain or people affiliated or knowledgeable of them. My question is what are the features of your family life here in Britain? Traditions, culture, etc. Is it any different than in Poland?

If I wanted to export crocodile meat what countries would be the biggest market? Which cultures eat it?

I'm looking for big markets where they would eat Nile crocodile meat. I.e. are there any cultures/parts of China or Asia that would be good to look into?

How can I make butter popcorn with my kettle popper?

At the movie theater, they pop the corn in butter flavored oil, and then pour more artificial 'butter' on it when it's served. To use real butter at home, try this: Pop corn as usual in your popper. Dump the popped corn into a large paper bag, pour in melted butter, sprinkle with salt, if desired. Fold top of bag over, and shake well. This distributes the butter all over the popcorn.

Why were the ancient Greeks, creators of Democracy and Western culture, also pedophiles?

The same could be said of the Romans, and the ancient Egyptian. Marrying at a young age was pretty normal back then.

Best anime song (ending or opening)?

I love the DBZ Kai opening theme song and the Kekkaishi's theme song too. But I also love Disgaea 3's theme song. XD Oh and The songs from Fullmetal Alchemist, Uso by SID!

Military shortcomings...?

Check out the" zeitgeist" videos on you tube. Especially the ones on vietnam,WW1,WW2,pearl harbor.You may also be interested in the 911 conspiracy and the oklahoma city bombings witch were both government backed attacks on the american people to introduce the stringent political doctrines and reduction of rights and liberties,in order to control and manipulate the american public.

Surf fishing style with lures: name?

There's two types of surf fishing: with a bait and without a bait. With bait is called chunking or something like that, how do you call fishing WITHOUT a bait, with lures, plugs, popper and other artificial lures?

I'm writing a book for kids, what should I write about?

Animals are always a hit as far as characters are concerned. Try to create stories that teach a moral or valuable life lesson. Themes could be: tolerance of diversity, growing up in a one parent household, honesty, compassion, stranger danger. The possibilities are endless really.

Everything i need to know about Double Majoring in animal science and education?

Im going to be a freshman at in the fall and i want to double major in animal science and K-12 Education how long will this take and is it even possible to double major with these? please help me in anyway you can. i want to be a vet but i want to have a back up for if i dont make it. can i minor in education or do i have to double major?

How the heck do i face my ex?

k, me n my ex in the same classes in collage.. how the heck i avoid her..? or just make it seems normally..? i can't accept what she done to me.. so, any idea..?

Do you think this is likely all just paranoia?

Dudee, ur totally paranoid. You always think the worst when it really isnt that bad. Maybe the reason you arent successful with girls is because you dont go about it the right way. When you tAlk to girls, you gotta have a little confidence. Dont believe they wont give you a chance. If you show confidence, girls like that. And dont confess your love or feelings to a girl you barely know. Thats what creeps them out. So good luck and i know it will all work out for you!

Will someone please tell me what the green lantern or monte carlo was about?!?

k so im going to see transformers with my dad tonight ps my parents are divorced and anyway i know my mom wont want me to go see that movie even though its not even as bad as the second one anyway i know when my dad drops me at home later tonight mom may ask about the movie and i know its not honest but come on its not like its the hang over soooo will someone tell me what either monte carlo or the green lantern was about you know just in case i looked at the content on movie guide .com and there is just language wich its not like im gonna repeat and one brief scene of intimacy which its not like im 9 im 14 soooo i think my mom ( if i tell what movie i actually went to see) i think she would point at me and say how irresponsible and un moral i was being and then probably give her another reason to think my dad is a bad father ( which he is not he happens to be the best dad in the world) so anyone want to help?

Is it ok to eat vitamins that are meant for older women?

I am 24 and I wanted to start taking multi-vitamins and minerals. I got Centrum Silver and I did not notice that it is meant for women over 50. Is it ok to still take it? I'm not a usual pill popper but the change in diet and the stress I've been taking lately has made me feel not as healthy as I was before and I thought I should take some for a few weeks.

I am a butcher, but I just became a vegan?

I just learned of the all the tortures animals go through (my boss told me that meant was grown in a lab from cultures. I am stupid, I know.) iI just became a vegan, but I do not want to quit my job since I do not have an education, and I can't find another job where I live. I have a family to support as well. Help?

RHH: Guess the songs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Would moving to/going to college in Germany be a good idea?

I just can't see myself being content in the US, I don't like the politics/government here, the culture, most of the people (no offense, I'm sure you're all lovely.) and I've long wanted to move to another country. I'd like to be able to go to a bunch of other countries and see other cultures, and in the US we're kind of isolated... I'm a freshman so I have a lot of time to think about it. I'm a gay atheist, who is considering going into the field of psychology. I have more than enough time to gain at least a basic understanding of the German language before it's time to go to college. I'm a fast learner, and language is my forte. So is Germany a nice place to live? Would I be able to go to college there or would they not even let a foreigner? How is the government there? How expensive would it be to go to college there? Would my degree be accepted in the US? Opinions?

Where can I find the Heinz Jalapeno Poppers Brand in stores?

I do not want TGIF poppers. I am looking for the Heinz brand cream cheese jalapeno poppers. My local Savemart discontinued them. Thanks!

What can I do to improve my gas mileage!?!?!?

Check and make sure your tire pressures are manufacturer recommended. Drive a constant speed (avoid hard acceleration, driving slower is not gonna be much help, but when speed limit is 40 mph keep it steady at that). This is a v8 pickup we're talking about, can't do much when it comes to gas mileage.

Is the brand of "Democracy" the US is trying to spread around the world at gunpoint, the same...?

No, we are forcing democracy on other countries. Whatever happened to accepting differences. Why can't we work with a communist country or a dictatorship?

Are there any good programs or somthing out there I can use to travel like studying abroad or temporary jobs?

I am 19 going to be 20 years old soon and am really looking to expand my horizon. I've always dreamed of traveling and really want to make it happen asap but the only problem is financially i really cant afford to just up and move somewhere. I would LOVE to study abroad somewhere like in the U.K or Australia but i hear its extremely expensive, does anyone know of any programs or scholarships I may be eligible for to help me do this? Also if not studying abroad maybe I can do something else like work somewhere in another country for a few months just for the experience or become a nanny (Male nanny lol) and live with a family for a while or something. Any help ideas and information or links to websites would be amazing, I just really want to leave the U.S for a while and see what its like to temporarily live somewhere else and experience new things thanks.

Are Latina women different then American women?

I met this girl I like from South America who came to the US for college. She just looks like a white girl, but does act sort of foreign. She seems to have a fun personality and she gave me her number so I want to hang out with her or ask her out. Anything I should know about how people in South America have a different culture or anythign?

Does this story build suspense.....?

You need more show don't tell. Your dot want to tell the person (which you are very very descriptively telling them!) you want to show them. You have to use all your senses.

Someoneeeeeeeee helllllp me please?

You got the answer in you. He is an e.t ,but some mothers do have them. If he ever comes around again, get close to a human male. For sure he will back off.

Plane tickets to china?

i wanna spend a year in china just to see a different culture but round trip tickets are 4K and only allow me to spend 11 months there, could i just buy a one way ticket and then just buy another when i want to return? im only 19 so things like booking flights and stuff are very new to me so help please

Monday, August 8, 2011

I LIKE THIS GUY.... answer?

I suppose it's nice to know that Americans aren't the only ones to write incoherently. I see that some Australians suffer from it too.

Mazda b2300 cold air intake?

I was going to put a K&N Appollo cold air intake onto my 1994 mazda b2300 as a way to improve gas mileage and horsepower but what would the gain be in horsepower and if I put it on the truck are their any harmfull side effects.

BUG BITE!!!??? HELP!!!!!?

I have four bug bites on my legs. one looks different than the other and it is almost perfectly round, with a clear center (looked like a nipple). then the three other ones look like a small rash that had spread a little over the past week, with a little "nipple" on the top. i popper the perfectly rond one with tweezers, and one of the rashy ones. what do i do? will it infect it at all? how do i clean it??? PLEASE HELP!!! and if you know what kind of bug bit me that would be great to know.... Thanks :)

I am very confused about my nationality?

im 13 and im dominican and white. my mom is white and my dad is dominican. my dad has a slight tan , but not very. i look white ( skin color not enthinty ) and i heard from where i am right now ( in dominican republic ) visiting my family and people are telling me that dominicans are black people ( africans ) just speaking the spanish language and creating another culture on top of what they realy are. so im confussed, if i have white skin but im still half dominican , does that mean im not hispanic im black / african american ? because i am very proud of my latin culture and i dont want that taken away because i love being dominican / hispanic . and then i started searching online and they said the same thing , just that they deny it. im scared that im not hispanic and only white and african american, becuase i didnt want to think of myself something im not. and i dont look nothing like a african american . at least not half. so am i black and white? or am i dominican and white? is dominican a real nationality or just a fake one on top of blacks to make it seem like we are not black? because im confused on how some dominicans are really white with blonde hair and blue eyes , or some has brown eyes and black hair with dark skin. if the lights are african american then how are they light? so is dominican a real nationality or just a cover up from being black ???? becuase right now im very hurt that i might not be hispanic : / and worried because i take my pride very seriously and im not rasict towards african americans , im just mad that i was being something i wasnt: /

Why are my white friends confident? And I'm not?

My white friends are so friendly, they talk so much! Theyre not shy. I'm the total opposite. I'm Latina. Why is that? I'm sure you know what I mean. LOL. Like sometimes I'd just have lunch by myself because I feel like I'm a party popper. I try and try to be as happy as them...

This guy keeps blackmailing me into friendship through suicide threats. WTF?

K, so this guy is really weird and annoying, so don't start saying "You should be nicer" because I'm literally the nicest guy in my year to him. But now he's clinging on to the kindness with a vice-like grip. He keeps asking me out places like bowling, cinema, etc. He even invited me to his house to play gamecube! He has no ps or xbox. I've realised now that I have to distance myself because he's becoming obsessive, so I ignore his texts, (yes I gave him my number stupidly), but then when I ignore his texts he says, "Ok fine, you may not see me again". How do I end this without him killing himself?

Should extended metaphors be relevant and justifiable?

As a writer I feel uncomfortable using extended metaphors that are not thematically/topically linked with what I am writing about. Heaney, for example, justified his use of Greek mythological metaphors by arguing a parallel between Greek and Irish culture. Should extended metaphors be used only when strictly relevant to the subject matter?

Is this a good chapter one so far?

I think it was a bit rushed and yes you do need to start a new paragraph every time a new character speaks. In the beginning instead of just saying that she awake with a start and saying how she had a bad dream, describe the dream as the beginning instead of just saying gosh that nightmare was horrible. Also when she walks outside is cold? Is it warm? What does it look like. Try describing most things and your chapter will be very good. Also, with the name of the chapter it makes no sense because it ends by the little girl talking. The readers expect for Alicia Reynolds to be murdered. Or killed. So just saying that the name is a little off.

Maroon 5 concert tomorrow? (er, today, technically)?

well when i went to their concert in bankok with my friends i wore skinny jeans and a T-shirt with them on it. My other friend wore short jeans and leggings with a tank top, and the other one wore jeans with a shirt :) hope this helped?

How do I move on from this girl?

this was too long to read. the only part i read was u r both in ur mid 20s which to me means move on because it proably wont last anyways.

Should I have a popcorn popper in my home office?

Yeah go for it! Think about what you're clients could do when they come in to see you! Guaranteed winner!

She Obviously Doesn't Like Me? (10 points)?

I wouldn't contact her, it seems as though she isn't interested in you the way you are in her. If she's ignoring you and what not, then she is definitely not worth your time and you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I hope everything works out for you!

Best codec to play large .MKV files?

I currently use the k-lite mega pack but it can't play large .mkv files that are 10 GB+. In other words, there is a severe lag and out of sync sound when I play the larger files. I play the files on media player classic. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Why is popular culture so dominated by California and England?

Because they are very influencial places. However, I wouldn't say that popular culture is influenced by the entire of england. For example, traditionally, England is about country living and if we go right back to the celts, about living with nature. Other countries have come in and influenced England, then people from England and europe went over to America. So, actually, popular culture comes from all races of people. The reason popular culture is dominated by places like London, New York, Calirfornia is because they are supposedly wonderful places and full of rich people that most people look up to.

Do guys like fun girls?

the other day i was with about5 friends. and the guy i like was there, and they all went swimming in the pool and in the spa.. but i din't cause i didn't want to get my hair wet .. and the guy i like called me a party popper. In a nice way :P But the next time should i go in the spa and pool and be fun? 'im 15, hes 17 . :)

Are you one of those people that is addicted to coffee for the taste alone?

Yes I am just like u I love the taste of coffee and that's why I drink it some people say coffee breath is bad and stinks but I really don't mind it matter fact I like it... maybe I'm weird... but whatever coffee is the sh!t!

Is our system of "American Democracy" worthy of spreading around the world?

We should just lead by example. And yes what we have is better than what they have. The problem is the idiot leftists in America trying to ruin what we have by making it what everyone else has.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is the weirdest thing you have said while sleep talking?

A couple of days ago, I was at a sleepover and out of nowhere I randomly shouted "We recycle soap with pots of China, NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" and a couple of minutes later I screamed "RUN AROUND IN SQUARES, F**K" in a British accent......I have no idea what I was dreaming about but my friends thought I was a freak!!! do you have any stories??

What is the worse chicago Neighborhood?

Pilsen, Little Village, Cicero, Back of the Yards, K town, Austin, Humblolt park, etc. Like the worse block not in the whole town or place like which one is not good at all.

What are the symptoms of a pill popper?

I'm writting a lil story where a Mother is a pill popper. I need to know how she would act and what kind of symptoms she would have

No passion for life anymore?

Move to Africa or india where you survive by eating human excrement and working 14 hours a day for nothing, that will revive your passion for life again. Thanks, Im glad you liked my suggestion and care.

Can you tell me how much weight you think I could lose?

Theres a guy called Shaycarl and he is doing type of weight lost contest with his friends. He lost in one week 6 pounds.

Mr poppers penguin? How old?

Want to take my 4 1/2 year old son to see this but don't know if my 18 month old daughter will do it? Any thoughts?

Do you think Satan created R&B to destroy the black community?

I prayed that God would turn back time and prevent R&B from ever existing.I hate Beyonce and all these singers and R&B was considered the "devils music" when my grandpa was in church growing up.Drugs and poverty and all the problems were caused by R&B but why are we Blacks allowing the devil to take over a beautiful culture that we had.Teenage black girls are getting pregnant and having sex because they see booty shaking videos but why isn't God helping cause I believe in him?Also to destroy music in general cause Lady gaga and all them crackas sing is R&B.R&B is ruining rap cause it seems that rappers are told to make their songs R&B influence like cause its too mainstream.

Ideas for rube goldberg project?

We have a science project, we have to build a rube goldberg machine with 4 types of energy and 5 "gags". The idea that i have is a balloon popper, please help! i don't have any idea for "gags"

How make my boobs look bigger?

K so I like this boy, and I asked his bestfriend what would make him want me with my appearance? He said bigger boobs. Well I said oh I have bog boobs. Soposively I don't. So how could I make my boobs look bigger? Lol.. With out surgury. I have push up bras but it makes me look re same just pushes them up a little no big difference. I don't want to stuff... Any ways girls? Or boys o___0

Feeling light headed and spaced out? Poppers?

For two days now my body has been feeling different to normal. Everytime I make the slightest movement, the part of my body that has moved feels weird. It's like I am having constant head rushes - a very similar feeling to poppers, which by the way I took a few days ago. It's very difficult trying to explain how I am physically feeling, other than to say it feels like my body is receiving these rushes all over when I move. Does any one know what this could be?

Poll: how would you answer these questions about the way you perceive?

Excited. Intrigued( but happy with my own). exceptional. non-art. facts here and now, but do like the unusual. Ms. Was raised overseas and really enjoyed it , have a lot of respect for other cultures.

What did my crush mean by this?

My crush has been texting me all summer. We don't text about serious things, nor do we go to deep into a conversation. Basically we talk about shoes and sports. 2 days ago we were talking about shoes and he brought up that Justin Beiber wore those shoes. I was trying to be funny and said "oh you just ruined them for me" he replied by saying that Justin beiber was cool because "he's ******* dating Selena Gomez and she's ******* hot". He doesn't say the 'eff word' too often at all, and he doesn't really talk about girls that way, so it was a complete shock for me. I replied by saying Daniel Radcliffe was better and he replied saying "No. Ew. Emma Watson." I then replied saying that Daniel radcliffe was the most attractive actor and agreed that Emma Watson was pretty. Then he said "Back then she was ******* pretty as ****" Again leaving me shocked. Then he said "K night" before I could reply. Please can you help me discover what this means. He normally doesn't say things like that and it came out of the blue, we weren't even talking about the attractiveness of celebrities. Please help, I'm confused ny this... Thankyou (by the way, anything in quotation marks is what we actually said via text)

I need a good heart gold team?

I am a horrible team builder. I have tried building many teams, according to stats,type but everything fails D=. i really like heart gold but never beat the game. the team im thinking of now is a powerhouse team w/ Dragonite, Tyranitar, Lapras, Donphan, Electabuzz, and Heracross. it seems O.K. Any suggestions. And if u think the team sucks like #(#)(#*&#)&$#@%^$%^& then can u give me ideas on a team. Tanks in advance and I LOVE CAKE=P

When do you apply to the K-state veterinary early admission program?

I am looking at apply to the Kansas State Pre-veterinary early admission program if I am accepted in to K-State. I know this program takes place during your undergraduate years, but when do I apply. The deadline is September 1. Is that the September 1st of your senior year or of your freshman year of college?

I need true honest opinions...?

number 3 anyone makes me feel like **** they bounce i dont waste my time on hoes like that number 4 take a chance **** if u get slapped when u try to kiss her screw it there are plenty women out there some who want kiss some who will and then you have the whores who wanna screw

Which camera is better for overall photography?

I am looking to upgrade from my dslr now. I am looking at the Nikon D3000, Nikon D5000, and the Pentax K-r. Which one is best? Not worried about the price of the three. If there is a fantastic one below 1000 please let me know.

What is the name of this movie?

This has been really bugging me...There were three kids going to wizard school. The kids name was Harry Popper I think. Harry would learn spells and go to class and stuff. He took a train to school and sometimes would have to figure stuff out about his parents. His uncle was serious and his owl was called head wig?

What do British people think of Oriental-Asian people..?

Hello im a oriental-asian man myself (south korean). Im 18. I've always been fascinated with British culture and Shakespeare (High school reading haha) and I have this presunption that they are quite intelligent people. Not to mention I love rock and roll and 'indie' rock and many bands that are favorite are from England (Radiohead, Coldplay, Arctic Monkeys). Anyways, what do British people think of Oriental Asians? (chinese, jap, korean). I realized "Asian" in the UK is referred to as Indians and Pakistanis and Arabics...didnt know that.

Help with my betta fish?

Well, read the directions on the box. And if you feel it's not safe for your fish just pour some bottles of purified drinking water in his bowl and it'll be fine. :) By the way, I love betta fish! i owned like 20 in my whole life xD

Do you know of a place that I Watch Mr.Popper’s Penguins online?

We want to Watch Mr.Popper’s Penguins online this time. Anybody tell me about best site on the internet?

I am obsessing over eye contact !!! help!!?

No, generally, when I talk to someone or when they talk to me we don't sustain eye contact continually. Usually, I'm doing something when I'm talking, for instance, eating a meal (don't talk with your mouth full). It kind of depends on who you are talking with. In casual conversation you don't hold eye contact continually or it's like staring someone down (confrontational). It could also be interpreted as being forward (showing too much interest, too early, romantically speaking), Of course if you are being an outrageous flirt and it is being well received then, go for it. Sustained direct eye contact with teachers or bosses could be interpreted as wrapped attention, which is respectful.

I have a very bad tiny tower construction bug!!! Plz help!!!?

K, so I have been playing tiny tower, and I had two floors under construction, and I had to wait 19 hours for them to be built, and I did, but then when I checked again, it still said 19 hours! So then I started trying to fix it, and I pressed a little yellow button with a pic of construction in the top right corner of my construction sites, and then it disappeared. Then I tapped the construction site, and then it said: construction, in stock: 900, 2 bux to quick sell. It was actin like construction was an object in stock. And the time for the construction isn't going down, and I don't know what to do. Please help me!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!

What do you think I should do now?

yes, tell her exactly how you feel. and also, get her to explain why you don't click? like, go into reasons. maybe things could improve?

Is mr poppers penguins a good movie?

like is it sad at all? I love penguins they are my favorite animal and I loved the book (ik it's nothing like the book so don't get on the movies case) I wanna know if it's good and not sad (I don't wanna see penguins die

Tokyo host family search?

I will be studying in the Tokyo area on a student visa. I decided I wanted to do a homestay because I get to learn more of the culture this way and the prices are considerably cheaper. I need help finding a host family willing to host me for 2 years... Could anyone give any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Anybody the actual quote by P.k Dick in Cosmogony & Cosmology?

I know its from Cosmogony & Cosmology and he is talking about witnessing a fight that he does not understand between good and evil, not much to go on I know but I have been googling to no avail, it is possibly from p78. I don't particulary want to get the book and read it all for one quote but I will if anybody can recommend this book?

Healthy Hair Care Routine?

My hair is naturally curly/wavy, and is normal (not too greasy or dry, but does get oily within the same day of washing my hair). Currently, my hair care routine is as follows: wash my hair every day (greasy- not overwhelmingly, but still- if I don't); use shampoo and conditioner (I heard you shouldn't use both EVERY day, but it makes my hair feel nicer, so I do); after I shower, I leave my hair in a towel for a few minutes, and then apply a bit of Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Leave-In Conditioning Cream as well as a bit of Garnier Fructis Style Sleek & Shine Anti-Humidity Smoothing Milk throughout my hair. Sometimes, usually when I let my hair air dry, I use Garnier Fructis Style XXL Volume Thickening Mousse. I almost never brush my hair (also heard this wasn't healthy on the internet and youtube), but I do comb my hair in the shower and when I style it. I do style my hair a lot- most of the week- but I make sure to use a heat protectant (either K.I.S. Thermal Protecting Hairspray or CHI Ironguard). Is this a healthy hair care routine? What else could I do or change to keep my hair extra healthy? Also, I get my hair cut every three to four months. Any advice? Thanks:)

Is there any level of responsibility an active member has over his dependents off base?

I would get in contact with their NLSO Office (JAG Office) to see if the command could issue a military protective order (which the equivalent of a restraining order) against the offending party.

Help with my betta fish?

Well, read the directions on the box. And if you feel it's not safe for your fish just pour some bottles of purified drinking water in his bowl and it'll be fine. :) By the way, I love betta fish! i owned like 20 in my whole life xD

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Co-worker pulled a knife on me?

I had just started working at this pallet company for 3 weeks and since the first week one of the other guys there took advantage and I think bullied me. He would have me grab him things a couple feet away from him, stuff he should be getting himself since that was part of his job and I was busy doing my own thing but i grabbed what he needed anyways. Then after a week his request became ridiculous like having me grab him sodas and he would for no reason kick my piles of trash and sawdust I had just swept up and tell me to "clean this S**T UP" he would put his hands on my food and other belongings like my cell phone. one day he put his hands on me and tried to be funny or look tough by putting my hand behind my back and push up like police do, that's when thins started to go down hill and I stopped doing what he would tell me to do and started to ignore him and he told me I have to start doing what he told me to do( He was no higher that me and he had just been working there for 2 weeks longer than me.) he then start throwing old gloves, that the coworkers rolled up into balls and throw them at co workers as a joke, I thought that was un professorial since we are working at a pallet company around nail guns and saws so me and this other guy had bad blood from the fist week. then one day my supervisor came up out of nowhere and put his hands on me and pushed me back out of the way almost making me trip on a step and pushing a stack of wood out of the way to turn the machine off... I couldn't hear him call for me ( if he was) since I had my protective hearing muffs on and my head phones on under those ( I had gotten permission from the same supervisor I could listen to music) that had made me angry that he pushed me out of his way and i started to hold that anger in me the next day I was working in my area when when the guy had came up put his hands on my ear muffs and pulled me out of the way from another machine I was aware of my surroundings and knew what was going on so I think it was just another reason to touch me, I then turned around and pushed the guy and told him to never put his hands on me ever again and stated to yell at him. later that same day we had a safety meeting and I left my water bottle behind and when i went to pick it up he got up and kicked it over, I went out to the parking lot to see this guy sitting down giving me dirty looks, I then Screamed " WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU LOOKING AT" he got up started to walk at me and said "what the F**k you just say to me" I thought there was about to be a fight so I dropped what I was holding and that's when he pulled knife on me I remained calm and planed my that I would start backing up keeping my distance then lunge at the knife but never did. eventually he put the knife away and I found out later that I had been fired for pushing him and he never got fired for pulling a knife on me since the bosses like this guy. I feel this guy saw me as weak and took advantage of me to make him self feel powerful and good about himself. What do I do about this whole thing?

Am I one of the few into interracial dating?

Heres a brief background. Im 21, Indian 0 gen, and pretty uo to date with current trends and ladies say im cute. I love meeting abd dating women outside my culture(non indian). I love my desi girls too but I enjoy the excitement of dating someone of another backround and broadening my horizon. I dont know. Any other indian guy or person that feels the way I do.

Where Can I buy Harry Potter Merchandise in Sydney?

I am a huge fan of harry potter and i want to get a T-Shirt but i have searched the catalogs of target and k-mart and nothing is there? i am not a fan of buying online, things like ebay i dont really trust. is there any shops that have a harry potter T-shirt?

What is a good movie for my cousin to go watch with his gf?

I am in 8th grade and me and my boyfriend went to go see Pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides and LOVED it! So that would be a really good movie!

I need a summer outfit!!!?

I'm going to a soccer game with one of my best Guy friends<3 I really like wearing my navy blue crocs in the summer. I especially wanted to wear them to the game tomorrow. Its gonna be hot and humid. uck! But yeah, I need a nice summer outfit/hair/makeup. I really would appreciate it if you didn't bash ma crocs, k? (: thankss!

How To Handle This Situation With Her? (10 points)?

Your probably right about her not liking you. I'd just try to move on and forget about her. I'd let her come to you. See how long it takes for her to talk to you. If she doesn't ever try then she doesn't care to be friends with you. Don't waste your time on people who don't really matter :)

Women in studio audiences from different cultures?

When you are in a studio audience there is a neon sign that tells you what to do on cue and when to applause. Plus many television shows, even live ones, add tracks.

Help with philosophical "Grue" problem? please help paper due tomorrow (5/18/11)?

The problem of being too general. If you generalize the fact that all women are inclined to shop more than men, what happens when there is a man that does shop more than a woman, or a woman that shops very little? Likewise, there could be emeralds that have yet to be observed that aren't green.

Kung Fu Panda 2 or Mr.Popper's Penguins?

I'm taking my children to the movies today, and we dont know which would be a better movie to watch. We already watched the first Kung Fu Panda btw. Suggestions?

How do i fluke an english essay?

Talk about certain characters and how you feel about them. Use sparknotes if you don't want to read. Also compare the stuff to your life and how history has changed since then. Trust me this book stinks

Do you realize how much of our culture is pagan?

Birthdays are pagan too. You forgot those. Thats why Jehovas witness are lame and dont celibate them.

Need help with this!!?

i think i would just take things slow and see where they go.. i wouldnt like be overly excited about it because you dont want to come off too strong. that could lead him away. i would take things slow for the next couple weeks.. and then maybe one day when you are hanging out just the two of you, ask him how he feels about you. couldnt hurt to ask

How far in advance can you make Jalapeno poppers?

I'm making the basic poppers stuffed with cream cheese a little cheddar cheese on top and then wrapped in bacon. We are putting them in a smoker to cook on saturday afternoon for saturday night. I've made these before but in small quantities. I need to make about a 100 this time and I work night shift so I was wanting to work on them a few at time a few days before the party. I just wanted to see if anyone had made them a couple days in advance and if they were still ok. Also...I've heard of people adding a little smokie sausage to them...anyone done this? Sounded good to me. Just put it in the middle whole?

Should we adopt western culture?

as we see western culture is being a part of our life... so should we adopt western culture or not?????? wht r ur views regarding this?????

I want to see a movie, and I'm stuck in between these three.?

Super 8 has gotten the best reviews so far. I also find that going to movies I don't really have any expectations for is the best, since I can't be disappointed. I also loved Mr Popper's Penguins when I was a kid and I don't think the movie is going to be as awesome as the books were. I love Jim Carry but I'm not sure he was the best casting choice.

I have depression that I cannot get over!! Help!!?

Im 17 turning 18 in the beginning of Sep, I live in Canada (Yay! one thing to be optimistic about) I have anorexia and bulimia..I binge and purge three times a week, Im home schooled, I share a small bedroom with my two younger sisters who are two and four years younger, I get along with them well. I have one best friend, who sadly moved away last year, I still regularly keep in contact with and two friends, who I actually share with my younger sisters because they are around my sisters age, which means..sleepovers and such involve all of us, they also both live down the road. I have obsessions that keep me from going crazy. K-pop. I dream and I think every minute...I think very deeply. I babysit on a regular basis..because I am trying to save money for a trip to Korea. I am religious and I know that for me I need to rely on that. My parents are both depressed and so is my best friend..and so is her father. My dad is a recovering drug addict. He has a license to grow marijuana in my I do not have a bedroom. My dad is bipolar and slightly reminds me of charlie sheen. When my dad is on pain medication he is insane, He relys on my sister to take care of the plants and some days he finds something broken or mites on the plants and he flips. He wont stop swearing and yelling...he has gotten really aggressive with my mom. He has broken her finger recently and pushed her to the ground. My mom is unloving and lazy...she does absolutely nothing...I love both my parents and I know that they both have serious issues. I don't hate them at all and allot of the time I get along with don't think I am hating on them. I just need some personalized help....some tips...Please??? Thanks

Please give me a site where i can watch mr.poppers penguins online for free!!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it normal for a bass to eat.....?

Is it normal for a bass to eat birds? Its sound kinda weird but today when i was fishing in my pond i caught a 3 pound bass and when i was getting my popper out of its mouth i say 2 bird legs and the birds claws sticking out of its throat. My pond doesnt have very many/no bluegill in it so i think that's why it had to eat a bird, i have also noticed that since there is no bluegill for the bass to eat they are eating all the little bass. Should me and my dad get more bluegill in our pond?

How long does your period last?

k im on birth control and i have to take it at the same time evry day but i kept forgetting couse i moved from oregon to oklahoma(different time zones) anyways i thought i started spotting but then realized i was on my period ive been on it for a whole week now and its pretty heavy still. im freaked out because ur not supposed to be on ur period wen u take b control untill the pack is empty. what should i do and if this has happened to any one plz tell me no and tell me wat u did.

How do you make a grenade with party poppers?

i have party poppers (the small beer bottle shaped ones) and i would like to know how to make a grenade.

What do I do about this situation I am in?

Usually special needs kids are touchy with people they have feelings for. Those feelings can be all the way from just friendly, or if they "like like" you. There's definitely a chance of him liking you, but I wouldn't assume too much! Good luck!

What is this desert called!?

Its like....kinda like a cupcake but it tastes like a thick crepe but its called a popper or eat is with jam and powdered sugar WHAT IS IT CALLED! I can't remember!HELP!

Why does low fat greek yogurt have more sugar than regular greek yogurt?

Theres sugar in milk and cream and maybe even in the culture. Maybe theres more sugar in the low fat one to make it taste better.

Do I have a good chance at getting into NYU or Columbia?

You need AP if you want to get into NYU or Columbia. I'm going into my junior year and I'm taking AP statistics and AP Literature, as well as classes at the community college so I can earn my A.A degree by the time I graduate. I have a 4.0 and i want to major in Microbiology. And I'm still hoping I get accepted into good state schools (UF because I live in Florida and I'm shooting for Bright Futures Scholarship). If I were you, I would take much harder classes (AP) and dual enroll if your state does that if you want to even consider Columbia or NYU for Biochem.

Where can i buy a snapback cap?

I have been looking everywhere for snapbacks - I have found some at New Era, but they are just fitted caps with the poppers on the back, and not proper snapbacks! I want something like Mitchell and Ness, can anyone help?

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Fellow Rockers and Poppers , What are your favorite video games?

Lol i don't play video games anymore. I have an old 64 though and play Golden Eye 64 sometimes. I didn't realize how many people on here are gamers. Now i feel weird....

Is it really bad to eat after a certain time?

every once in a while i get up at 11 (i have insomnia) and eat like a bowl of popcorn not like microwavable i have a little popper machine and i dont really put anything on it and im also a health freak so.. yea

Boyfriend Question: Am I wrong to be annoyed?

So my boyfriend is currently unemployed. He is actively looking for work, but having some difficulties. He occasionally likes to indulge in 420 time, but has not been lately since he is looking for work. However, he's been doing some other stuff to "take the edge off". In 2 days, he killed a bottle of vodka, and was taking vicodin as well. When I told him that vicodin and stuff like that can show up on drug tests, he said he didn't know and wouldn't take it again. Well, the next day (and the day after) he took it again. After that I got annoyed and said something to him about it, and he accused me of "treating him like an addict". I don't think that's the case at all, I understand he's stressed and wants to blow off some steam, but I have a huge problem with drinkers and I don't like pill-poppers either. So does he have a right to be pissed at me for bringing it up to him? Or should I be pissed about his irresponsible behavior?

What do you do when your whole world falls apart...?

i'm 22 and i have two beautiful kids and a husband..i am having some much problems that i don't know what to do, i moved in with my mother and my brother and my husband is like a health aid to them he gets paid but not much we live kind of out in the middle of no where we have really bad credit, he can't find no jobs,i have lupus SLE and really bad thyroid problems and anemia and some other health problem i can't get know help with SSI and i tried to get my GED but they told me i need to much help for that cause i have disability's but ssi don't think so, my dad left me to rot when i was 17 yrs old and 9 month's pregnant he told me he left my mom and me and everyone cause he didn't want to take care of my baby, but yet he left my mom for her best friend and her 2 yrs old son, now he doesn't even have nothing to do with me or my kids he makes me feel like garbage i didn't do anything to him i have tried to make something outta my self but it's never enough, my sister has a 2 yrs old son and she's a really bad pill popper, and he still talks to her and my brother but he doesn't even want anything to do with me he only calls here to talk to my brother and that's it. I feel like know one love me but my kids husband when we get free time he plays on his ps3 from 11-3 in the morning and he barely talk to me at all he talks to his friends he has on mother is bipolar she seems like she's always made at me...i think the only reason i am alive right now is cause of my kids that's the only real thing i can hold on to and now CPS want to take them away cause we have bedbugs..we have to move with in two weeks and everything feels like it's falling apart...i am to the point where i am gonna break...the only person that i did think loved me was my aunt and she died a few years back i thought my dad loved me to but i guess not all i did was get pregnant and i love my kids what did i do so wrong that i got this? i tried to talk to my husband he doesn't really seem to care, my mother is in her own world with my sister....i don't know what to do.....

Are there any cultures without religion?

I don't mean like in communist countries where religion has been banned, but instead a culture that never developed any sort of religion like most others.

Question about the Bible/Religion?

What does the bible have to do with people outside of the mideast. Seriously the people of the bible are all around the Middle East, but at that same time other ethnicities with completely different cultures/religions existed, for example the people of the bible never met a Celt or Viking, Aztec, Mayan, or Samurai or ever been in those lands, why/how is the middle east any more importaint than anywhere else.

What's wrong with our daughter?

well you mentioned that she had sad and troubling events in her past, maybe these are bad enough to make her act like this. it could be that she is just looking for attention, like when she exhales loudly and claims nothing is wrong, when she lashes out at others for nothing or the dramatic change into the "gothic culture". part of this might just be teen angst, like when she is asked to do simple chores and complains. i would suggest that you confront her about her behavior. be kind and understanding to what she says but also be strict and don't let her drop the subject or push you away. she might need to see a counselor to just discuss her problems so she doesn't take it out on everybody.

Is Star Trek satanic?

No. If you actually knew anything about Gene Roddenberry, the man who created Star Trek, you would know that he envisioned a world without bigotry, greed, and violence. His idea - as it was seen on screen didn't always come off, due to script problems - but at least the tried to show us that a better world was possible. He was a good man. RIP, Gene.


ok so guys today i woke up and suddely walked to my bathroom and saw my toothbrush. i picked it up and put toothpaste on it. the suddenly i started to brush my teeth. ALL oth the sudden-i was done and i walked in to my kitchen just to see my exboyfriend's little sister's picture on mi fridge. i picked the picture up and taped it on my moms car. 2 hours later i discovered a rock in my bed. this has never happened before. i am so worried this is a sign that my cancer is controlling my life. i keep having dreams about a little boy in a blue car yelling "haha i poped the popper" every day i wake up and write on mi mirror with lipstick "what is the popper?" google has not helped explaining this. i feel like mi life is closing down and im being sucluded in my room. what dose this mean?

Fellow Rockers And Poppers : What are your favorite movies?

The Bourne Ultimatum. Probably Matt Damon's best movie. Awesome car chases, awesome on foot chases. Great, tense action scenes. Fantastic plot.

Homeopathic pill popper what it called?

I wondering you know the container that the pillules come in when you buy them in boots and holand Barret's that you can push the top and the pillules come out the bottom so you dont touch it I dont know what you call it as I need one. I have a bottle of arnica and its hard to get it out without touching it so I want to find one of the popper bottles anyone know what its called


K, so my friend has gotten the RROD several times, but everytime he gets it, he disconnects everything on his Xbox and a few mins later it works fine? I've seen him do why doesn't everybody do it? Is it bad to do it??

Would i make a profit by making cakes for people?

add how much all the ingredients cost together and if you make more money than you spent then you are in profit, just make sure you have enough and you have enough customers choose a good location, and price the cakes reasonably, make sure you do some advertising etc :)

Poll: Do you think the British Monarchy should be done away with?

I also have severe insomnia. I'm not sure about this, I think it's british tradition but then again it is the 21st century...

Is it legal for a store to raise the minimum age of purchase on an item?

I went to purchase Party Poppers and the California legal age is 16, which i am, but they said they said i needed to be 18. Is it legal for them to raise the age of can i show them the california law and make them let me buy them?

Can you have plain air popped popcorn with the special k diet?

Im going to do the special k diet starting the 9th. I was thinking about getting a air popper for popcorn. I have drastically changed my whole lifestyle. Im 20 years old. I used to be 232 lbs I am now 162. I want to get down to 135 lbs so im almost there. I do hip hop abs twice a day along with simple exercises.Will I lose weight on the special k diet if i incorporate plain air popped popcorn with it? All the help and advice I can get would be very much appreciated.

How do you like something you hate or dislike doing?

I cook. I may not be regular cooker, but I do enough to survive. I'm not in love with cooking either.�However, I'm getting married in a few months and I have a fianc� to feed. He's a very picky eater and doesn't like to eat the same food in a row. I don't know what to do cause I barely cook now and we live together. I'm trying to get him to learn how to cook too cause we're both from different cultures. I don't know what to do! What can I do to be a better cook, but at the same time enjoy it? My fianc� tells me that I have to like cooking in order to be better at it.....

It still really hurts seeing my ex. I feel so alone in this?

I know how u feel, I feel the same way just got divorce n I can't let him go so very hard. But have to

Where can I find K-on! subs?

Is there anywhere I can find Direct Downloads for K-ON! and K-ON!!? I don't want torrents, please. If possible I want them in .avi format but it doesn't matter

Whats the name for human with dog ears and tail?

Im a big roleplayer and i saw before but i cant fnd it again. Like how neko is cat/human and okami is wolf/human and yah but i dont know the one for a dog/human! It started with a k thats a ll i know XDD

Good birthday gift for a one year old.?

What about a teddy bear?? You can never go wrong with a teddy bear.Or what's her favorite TV show?? Get her a season of her favorite TV show on DVD,like Spongebob or Dora The Explorer,something like that.Hope this helps :))

How can I make myself be passionate about my job?

honestly, the only thing i can suggest is you find a different job. you can't force yourself to love a job you don't like.

When is the deadline to turn in ACT scores to K-State?

When is the deadline to send in ACT scores to Kansas State University? I plan to take it again in September to see if I can get any high (though I got a pretty good score now). Is that too late to then submit it?

Who shot J.F.K and why did they shot him need to know because of history projecy?

You see that text box above that says "search"? It's funny, it has all the answers, go ahead give it a try.

How can I cope with this situation?

You need to cut all contact with her. Star over, it may be hard at first but, you'll soon learn to move on and find someone to help close that wound.


okay please, you will have no chance of getting best answer if you say "thats unhealthy" or anything related to that. I want to look pretty for school coming soon, and impress this boy :P i know i should be happy with my body and i shouldnt just do this for some guy, but i also want to do it for my health. Anyway, what can i do? should i starve myself, work out a lot, eat only 3 portions a day? lol IDC ill do anything (and yes, i know i sound like a freak right now) but yea. im 5'6 but i dont feel comfortable sharing my weight. im not really heavy, i just need to shed some pounds. k thanks! :)

My burn blister has popped?

Two days ago I got a small burn blister that didn't hurt. At some point today, it popper by itself, which I didn't even feel. But now there is a red mark where the blister was and the skin is bubbly/flabby, if you know what I mean. Will the skin go back to normal and will the red mark go away on its own, or do I have to do something?

Cultural Speaking: Do you agree on this quote from on what the definition of white people is?

Due to the generally deplorable understanding of race, it is necessary for us to emphasize that White people are the descendants of all historically European peoples, including the Irish, Slavs, Spaniards, Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Greeks, as well as the Germanic, Scandinavian, and Anglo-Saxon peoples, etc., so long as there is no discernible trace of non-White admixture. National Vanguard celebrates the cultural diversity of the White race. Our beautiful languages, traditions, and cultures are a strength. We are pan-European in our views and stand unconditionally opposed to conflicts between White peoples. Outside forces often exploit one White ethnicity against another. We do not excuse anti-White hatreds or historical "scores," and will consistently work towards reconciliation and unity in places such as the Balkans and Northern Ireland.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Traveling The World And Working Random Jobs...?

Not practical anymore. The papers required take forever to obtain and most countries forbid tourists to work.

Is this dress or the idea behind it slutty?

I think it is gorgeous. I wouldn't wear a cardigan nor a hoodie with it. I would say something like this:

Are the fuel pump and fan electric on my car?

i have a nissan 200sx its a 1995 and been looking can help in fuel efficiency and some horse power lol so are they electric on my car or how can i tell? also will k&n high flow airfilters help? is there one that will fit with no mods to the car trying to keep it stock not investing a lot of money

A&K m249 Vs KWA KM4 Tactical,?

Hell no I'm afraid. No offence intended but A&K are chinese. They are still one of the top brands of china however, they at all break much more often and will cost more. You're probably best in going for an ARES/STAR one. Even though they are chinese, they are built brilliantly and will last as long as your taiwanese/japenese gun. I have an ARES L85 It's very good. You will probably end up spending more on a cheap M249 in the long run than a more expensive one at the start, in both delivery and part costs that you will most probably need for the A&K. Non the less, It should be fine, but don't expect anything special.

How can I increase the total performance of my car?

I have a 2003 GMC Envoy and I've stripped all the extra weighty things off of it (spare tire, running boards, luggage rack, back seats lol) and i've also added STP fuel injector cleaner, STP fuel system cleaner, Octane Booster, Rislone engine oil treatment, a K&N air filter, and I'm going to be installing a Purolator Fuel Filter and Bosch Platinum+4 spark plugs. Will the spark plugs increase my acceleration? And what else can I get to increase the acceleration because my truck is really fast, it just has a slow start up from like 0-20, but after it hits 20mph, it takes about 2 seconds to get to 50mph, and i'd just like to increase the "off the line" time without spending an arm and a leg.

Does he like me or not?

k so basically i work in this camp n there are 2 parts: younger n older kids. i work with the younger kids but e/1 else works with the older. so basically this 1 guy is pretyy cute n hes also 1 yr older than me. i feel like he sometimes is looknig at me but wen i look back he looks away. wen i hang out in the gymnasium while the guys r playing basketball, i see him make several shots, n then look at me. idk if hes interested in me or not but idk... i feel like im just imagining it. does he like me? i think hes pretty cute n hes nice n stuff. do u think he likes me? wev never talked b4.... helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp :)

Would moving to/going to college in Germany be a good idea?

I just can't see myself being content in the US, I don't like the politics/government here, the culture, most of the people (no offense, I'm sure you're all lovely.) and I've long wanted to move to another country. I'd like to be able to go to a bunch of other countries and see other cultures, and in the US we're kind of isolated... I'm a freshman so I have a lot of time to think about it. I'm a gay atheist, who is considering going into the field of psychology. I have more than enough time to gain at least a basic understanding of the German language before it's time to go to college. I'm a fast learner, and language is my forte. So is Germany a nice place to live? Would I be able to go to college there or would they not even let a foreigner? How is the government there? How expensive would it be to go to college there? Would my degree be accepted in the US? Opinions?

Would this not be the most effective reform of health insurance in America?

The problem is that health care is NOT in government hands. If you are upper income you can buy private health insurance but everyone else should be able to buy government insurance (the public option that Republicans did not pass).

Please help me revise this introduction?

One of the ethnic groups that I am a part of is the English. They are the ethnic group that laid the foundation for American culture as we know it. The English language and common laws that we still follow today originated from the English settlers. Unfortunately, the English treated other immigrants poorly. America continues to strive for complete equality between all ethnic groups.

Hi. So theres this woman Im interested in and?

Well she knows me for a while and I know her too but I never thought of ever getting together at all. Anyways she was in a relationship once and from there a baby girl sprouted from. However complications arised from her man in the past and there were a lot of discussions and heart break. Pfff I dont wanna go into that. Anyways shes a single mother and Im 27 years of age. I got a job and all but bad news is that Ill be most probably leavin the country soon in a couple of months and dont want to start somethin that can be interrupted. But Im really interested in her but Ive even asked my mother for advice seeing that she also knows her and all and she said shed be alright however startin a relationship with a single mother can be hard not because of her but because of the psychological problems it can arise in the child. You know with havin a step dad and a real dad and the child feeling negleted. I suppose Im just stressin over somethin which is unknown. But still Im really interested in theis woman and she actually has shown a certain degree of some interest. In my culture is also costum that we kiss the woman when we greet you know like a cheek 1. But with her its like a slight slower 1 in the area between her cheeks and her lips. Well I just wanna hear some tips on how to approach her and also can you guys say wether its worth it to start anythin given the situation that Ill be leaving? I suppose she could come but I have no idea of what her plans are for the future. Thanks guys.

American Studies: What is the culture of people living in the trailer parks? And why do they tend to be cons?

Because all they can afford to do is sit in front of their televisions all day and be brainwashed by billionaire entertainers.

Whats your favorite artist/band who were only active for 10 years or less?

Buddy Holly... Its amazing to me how much he's done and how incredibly influential he was. His professional career was only TWO YEARS and if it weren't for him we wouldn't have the Beatles and all the bands that were influenced by the Beatles (which is a lot in itself!).

How To Become a U.K. Citizen?

speak to an embassy being from the us we would proberly let you in if you had a reason to be here lke study or work you would have to go speak to somone with more knowledge though and they can explain the steps you need to take

Can China beat American pop culture influence?

China is set to over take America militarily and economically in the next couple decades. But I was think about this last night, are we going to lose our cultural influence? I mean American pop culture has penetrated every market, do you see people dropping America influence for Chinese. Are the going to stop watching American movies/TV shows, to watch Chinese programming? Are they going to drop American music to listen to Chinese music? Are they going to drop McDonald, and Starbucks to eat Chinese fast food? Are they going to stop learning and speaking American English, to learn Chinese? Are American corp. going to lose it's influence, from people using Windows, to looking it up on Google, or using Twitter or Facebook? I don't see any of that going away. I think that is a true advantage that America has over china; our cultural and corp. influence. What do you think?

Are the penguins in "mr. Poppers penguins" animated or real?

Actually, they are real and fake. They Filmed on a refrigerated soundstage with real Emperor Penguins, Mr. Popper's Penguins is a contemporary adaptation of the classic book. Lots of scenes were shot with real penguins but some scences like dancing, etc were animated

My girlfriend has a bad past, and it's bothering me?

unfortunately I think you should break up with her, you need a nice girl this girl doesn't seem like your type.

Ipopcorn popper app is real?

theres this app called the ipopcorn popper i saw a video on it and it seems pretty cool but when i type in ipopcorn popper into the app store, i cant find it :/

I will be going to prison in 6 months. What is it like?

I was arrested for fraud in the first degree, a crime of which i am innocent. My lawyer, Lew Popper, gave me a 6 month grace period before my 3 year sentence at the Oaksburg State Pen. I want to know one thing: Will I get raped? Or beat up?

Philosophy: is truth objective or subjective, or both...?

Truth is objective. There is one truth. reality is perceptive/subjective. How one perceives the truth can be completely different.

What movie should I go see!?

My friends and I want to go see a movie...we can't decided what movie we want to see! Our choices are Bad Teacher, Bridesmaids, Mr. Popper's Penguins or cars 2! Which one should we go see?!

Okay, my 14th birthday is coming up and i need a party idea (i like being unique)?

Have everyone dress up like penguins, and then go to the local fishery, and have people dive for fish using only their beaks to catch fish.

What is pretentious music? What isn't pretentious music? Why is always considered bad?

There is no "pretentious music". It's all just people's opinions. There are some genres that I consider pretentious and may even say they are instead of saying "I THINK they're pretentious" but overall, I know it's just my opinion that I'm entitled to and shouldn't matter to anyone else.

What effect do you think Freud's theories continue to have on both psychology and popular culture?

What effect do you think Freud's theories continue to have on both psychology and popular culture? Give at least two examples

How to become an interpreter/translator?

First you study well Chineese and Japaneese language through a mediator (Better than self study)even from an Institute or a teacher ,you do some translation in both language.This should be in a systemetical way .After you get good confidence, You are qualified to applay Foreign Language Dept.

R&P... Blast back to the Nifty 90's, please?

Why the hell isnt hole in anyone's answers? Pretty on the Inside, Live Through This, and Celebrityskin are all amazing albums!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

R&P... Music is not only about hearing it, is it...?

Touch- Playing it, I love the feel of my guitar when I don't suck. Hearing it is awesome too, I always get major eargasms from hearing Weezer's Blue Album.and SP's Siamese Dream. ..

Did you ever read the Mr. Popper`s Penguins books when you were young?

I read Mr. Popper's Penguins, the book that was written by Richard Atwater back in 1938. I haven't seen the movie, but I can tell just from the previews that they changed A LOT from the original story!

Traveling The World And Working Random Jobs...?

Not practical anymore. The papers required take forever to obtain and most countries forbid tourists to work.

Please help me revise this conclusion?

Even though I am a descendent of English immigrants, I relate more to American mainstream culture than to English culture. American culture has changed from segregating those that are different into incorporating aspects from those different cultures into our everyday lives. We have come to realize that people from all different cultures deserve to be treated with respect and continue to strive for complete equality.

Help with my betta fish?

Well, read the directions on the box. And if you feel it's not safe for your fish just pour some bottles of purified drinking water in his bowl and it'll be fine. :) By the way, I love betta fish! i owned like 20 in my whole life xD

What is this bug larvae worm thing in my popcorn?

I accidentally grew maggots once! I thing that's what it was. Fruit flies (those little tiny things that fly around bananas as they get old) can lay eggs. I think there is a cycle that gets carried out over a period of time, but the eggs hatch and then something else happens and then the maggots appear. They have to have ideal conditions for this to occur, tike the right temperature and a source of food, I've read usually a starch. Anyway, that's probably what it was and I am very sorry it was in your popcorn!

Other cultures and groups and Freedom of Speech (see below)?

there is no freedom of speech in Yahoo Answers. Many times I have got reported for saying or asking things w/o any appeal. Alot of times it's mis communication, mis interpretations especially, and just plain judgements of tying to be politically correct. Now, there are some limits to what you wanna say here, weather u agree with it or not, it's like a G rated movie or a policy. You really have to watch what you say here.

How can you build a easy balloon popper?

Get a sharp pointed object and stick it into the balloon. I realize this is difficult, but I think you can do it.